Greenhouse is go!
Squeeeeeeeeal! The day has arrived. All my most patient and forgiving seedlings are finally being rewarded with a move into the greenhouse. It is everything I wanted – all dark profiles and bleached brick and light and shade and GREENESS. And so many surfaces! A bench down one side, with shelving underneath; high level strawberry boards at the opposite end; a small raised bed; and of course a space for a chair. All these things I expected, but what I hadn’t accounted for was the brick ledge all the way round the 3 sides that aren’t taken up with bench – like a really long windowsill. And given our house is short on windowsills, this is very welcome.
Even more exciting is the fact that at this time of year it seems the sun sets directly behind it, filling it with a glow of red. And the blossom from the hawthorn above has freckled the glass with tiny white confetti. So much magic already. I can’t wait to see how it evolves in the next year.